
This is just something that I need to get off my chest. I've gained a lot of weight this past year, and I've just now gotten to the point where all my jeans that used to be incredibly big for me, now are either too small or just right. It's tearing me apart to the point of having a little breakdown before work when I couldn't find anything that fits. It's not necessarily how it makes me look, but more of how it makes me feel. I don't like feeling self conscious (no body does) and we don't have the money for me to go get clothes that actually fit me right now. My fiancé loves me no matter what size I am, but it's really starting to eat away at my confidence (which has never been very high to begin with) and truly starting to get to me. If anyone has any dieting tips or anything it would be greatly appreciated. I just am so sick of looking in the mirror and hating what I see. Most of my friends are tiny and they tell me not to body shame myself, but they don't understand what it's like to look in the mirror and be disgusted by what you see and nothing fitting right. They don't understand that shopping is not a fun thing, it's kind of intimidating with the amount mixed with the fact that most things don't even look good.