Need to talk #Neg.Bloodtest

Hi there, I am Harley. 23. We've been trying to concieve for 6 months now, and now I am going to try with the <a href="">glow app</a>. I just had the result of my bloodtest that turned out negative. I really thought this time was ok, everyone thought I was pregnant. I had all the symptoms even my menstruation came to late and different. I called the doctor thinking that it will turn out negative, so I couldn't be to sad, still hoping for the best. But now I am really feeling depressed. It's like everyone around me is getting pregnant, even unwanted. It's the first time that I am really sad about it. My man is blaming it on my lifestyle, that I should quit smoking completely and even don't touch a glass of alcohol. I guess today is the day I am quitting all that. Cause having a baby is more important to me than my cigarettes. I am even afraid to tell him I am still not pregnant. Any tips for me? Greets, Harley