I need your advice ladies...

Me and my man haven't had sex in over a month (not that its that big of a deal between us). But he seems to be growing more distant lately. He won't touch me, (I.e. holding my hand, putting his arm around me, or just random small touches). He will cuddle me in bed, but right now that doesn't count (when he does its because he's in the dead of sleep and throws his arm over me). I've told him all of this and there were a few small changes and now its back to this. He does have problems with pain in his back and leg (he was in a really bad car accident three years ago and has a rod and pin in his leg), and that would be the reason for our "dry spell" but everything else is inexplicable. He knows about my past relationships and how they weren't exactly healthy, (I am super clingy because of them), but it shouldn't be too much to ask for simple contact, right? I am the one that initiates all contact between us. I have backed off on my clinginess but it seems to have not made a difference. I'm starting to feel like I'm inadequate. We love each other very much (we were best friends for ten years before we got together). Please help a sister out ladies!