How does divorce work?

My SOs soon to be ex wife just filed for a divorce finally. We didn't want to pay for a lawyer which was $2,000+ but she filled for a divorce and doesn't have a lawyer so it looks like we won't need one either

She stated in the paperwork that all items have been split, my SO has had the children the whole time and she has not helped and all she wants is joint custody now between their 4 kids.

What will happen in court? What will be asked? Will they be officially divorced at the end and my SO and I can finally get married? Will it matter that I'm pregnant even thought they weren't "officially" divorced?

(The reason they split is because she cheated multiple times and the marriage broke apart. She has even said straight to our face that she does not want to kids around her new apartment because she's "trying to date and live her life" we're so shocked she asked for joint custody when she has said multiple times she does not care for the kids)

Edit: ONE MORE QUESTION: Do I or the kids have to be there?