doing my boyfriends homework

Hi guys I need advice!!!! So me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 months and I've been helping him with his paper...well more like doing it for was a seven page paper. I did it all!!!! He always say " me and my baby did this paper" when it was just me!!! Then one day I told him to come at certain time. To finish the . But he just going to come at a time he feel is best for him, then I tell him I'm busy.  Then he starts saying how I'm suppose to be there for him. I TYPED 7 paper I put my own paper on hold just to do his. NOW, he wants me to write his notes but I don't want too. Because yesterday I told him we should of gone on and did it but he didnt want to. And now he claims he has to be somewhere important. And that's why he can't do it. What should I do