bad ultrasound experience

Today I went in for a size/date ultrasound. By my LMP I'm 9w2d but based on when I believe I ovulated I'm closer to 7 weeks. Did the ultrasound transvaginally and could see the little nugget measured 6w6d but no heartbeat. That was fine because I knew it could be 8 weeks before we hear one. Well the tech and nurse had other ideas and all but told us the baby stopped developing and we should schedule a DNC. I was taken aback by their hasty assessment and insisted we do another blood draw and I meet with the doctor tomorrow. I haven't felt like anything was "wrong", and I'm still hopeful that our little one is developing at their own pace and nothing to worry about. 
Anyone else not hear a heartbeat at this stage but hear one the following weeks?? Any reassurance is appreciated :)