my baby is in critical condition :(

Hi guys ! I just want to vent out right now . Let me first start off by saying my daughter was born at 6 and half pounds on march 20 at 39+3 vaginal delivery and we were discharged the next day. Three days I had to take her to the hospital to get her Jaundice level checked .. when it got so high, she got admitted Thursday night and we were discharged Saturday morning .. 
on Sunday my husband found herstool was reallyblack so we took her to the ER, but doctor said not to worry about it . It was just her Billirubin getting back to normal .. 
On Wednesday I took her to the walking clinic because my family doctor wouldn't take her and she also had a hearing test which she passed .. 
On Friday she had a Paediatrician appointment that went well as well, and next day which was a Saturday , she had a high fever .. she was so quite she was so still not waking up to feed nothing .. my husband and I took her to the ER, and she had high fever and was admitted and the doctor said she had a infection in her urine so they will keep her here for 10-14 days .. well according to the doctor she was ok within 7 days and they were ready to discharge her on April 8 which was on Saturday at 7:00 pm.
That morning I noticed she had a low temperature so I told the nurse and she said yes it's because of the antibiotic and shit . She also had extremely really loose stool and she lost 1.5 lbs . I kept telling the nurse she's not well, she wasn't waking up to feed , she was soooo cold , she was so still and so sleepy and had watery stool. By 5pm the doctor took her blood work and at 7 he said her blood work looks concerning and that the infection spread .. 
I forgot to mention the part when the doctor told me that I can take her home on Saturday morning  ( her infection was not treated , neither was her bacteria , they weren't aware what caused the infection ) 
And I asked what if she got a fever again because during my sty at the hospital her fever was on and off. The doctor told me it's ok u don't have to bring her to the ER , u can just give her Tylenol 4 times a day.. 
At 8pm, the nurse and doctor were checking my daughters temperature and she had no vital signs .. her eyes were left open, her mouth was dropped open, and she was staring at the ceiling and was not moving . When my husband and I seen her, we broke downnn. We lost hope .. when things got out of there hands , the doctors transferred my daughter to Sick Kids. She's now been at Sick Kids hospital in NICU since 4 days and doctors still can't figure out WHAT FUKIN CAUSED THE INFECTION AND HAVENT STARTED TREATMENT! 
I'm so mad , my stitches weren't healed and ever since she's been born I been making hospital errands and these stupid doctors don't know what the hell they are doing . Everyday they tell me the reports will come tomorrow and when the day is here they say they have no answers. I'm so frustrated . I hate seeing my daughter in the state that she is in .. a humble request to keep my daughter Nailah in your prayers and god grant her a speedy recovery ! I really miss her being next to me and the diaper changes and the feeeding !! I really miss her :(