Found Condom

I was doing laundry & I began folding up me & my husband's clothes. And a used condom comes flying out. Of course I called him and asked him about it. He says it's not his. Of course I know he's lying. It isn't mine !!!!  I just had our baby 7 weeks ago. And now this 😔What should I do ladies ? 
He told me I was crazy for thinking he would keep a used/open condom. I told him to take his things & leave since he could not tell me the truth. He told me he was moving out becuz every time we argue I throw him out & he's tired of it. So he comes in the house everyday to take a shower, play with our son & then he packs a bag  & stays wherever he stays overnight. His sister says he's been staying at her house but u can never trust their family. They'll lie straight through their teeth 😒.  I asked him to come home one day so we could have a conversation. We still have yet to talk about the magical condom that appeared in our laundry. My guess is he's just goin to stick to the lie about it not being his to avoid any other questioning. We don't really talk unless it's concerning the baby. I'm too busy with the baby to be sad but it definitely hurts. But I know I deserve better.