I want to give up.

I took a test today because Glow says if I am pregnant I'm four weeks. It is four days before my period (16th). I got a big fat negative. It wasn't fmu because I was told if I'm 4 weeks I'd have enough HCG to get a positive. I'm just so sick of disappointment. I cry day and night. I had a miscarriage in Fubuary. My fiancé's brother's gf was one of the first I told about my pregnancy the first week of January. The third week of February she finds out she's six weeks along. She doesn't take care of her son who is two (not his brother's child) her parents do. We are having Easter this weekend over there. I don't think I can see her. I want to punch her. It's not fair. I feel so lost. It's like the one gift you wanted for so long handed to someone else on a silver platter when they already have that gift and do not cherish it.