Need Advice

I need advice. In late August I met a guy. We didn't start really talking until February. I was on again off again with my boyfriend (he was abusive and I moved away from him) so I told this guy that I wasn't looking for a relationship. He said that that was fair but still wanted to hangout. After 10 days, I had been broken up with my boyfriend for about a week, so me and this guy slept together. Almost everyday since (at least 4 days a week) I spend the night at his house. He is sweet, we don't have sex every night but usually do, he kisses me on the forehead, tucks me in while he gets ready for work in the morning, we make dinners together. Sometimes we just sit and he'll play video games and I'll be on my phone. We hike together and take our dogs to do stuff. And at the end of this month we are planning a road trip. He asks me to go to his sports games and the days I don't sleep at his house he tells me that it's hard to sleep without me and always asks me to come over even though it's late. (Sometimes I don't). Is he just being respectful of what I had said initially about not wanting a relationship? Does he actually like me/want more? Or could he just be wanting sex and companionship without any attachment? I want to bring it up but don't know if it's too soon. Also, tell me if I'm jinxing anything by talking about this. (I'm about to turn 21 and he's 25 for those who are curious). I was thinking about bringing it up by saying "do you remember when I said I didn't want a relationship?" And then asking if that's what he wanted and if that's what he still wants? But I don't want to scare him away. Although, he knows about my abusive ex and is still around so maybe he won't be scared off. Is that a bad way to ask or to say it? I just don't want to get more attached to him if he isn't ready for a relationship. Because now I am and don't want to hurt myself if he doesn't want to commit. Sorry for the long post.