Soul Surgery

My now ex boyfriend has pointed out that I need to work on myself, & I agree 100%. I just don't know how. I don't believe I can do it alone & he's not supportive at all so forget him. I just don't even know where to start. Idk what I could do to help me. Since a miserable relationship ended in a miserable pregnancy I've been so fucked up. I'm completely over my ex but I'm not over what he's done to me. I no longer feel beautiful. I don't feel like I'm worth a penny. These feelings are making me mad at the world. I have an attitude 24/7 for no reason. I'm turning into such a trash human being. I use to be so pretty with the best personality. Now I'm ugly inside. I don't wanna be this way. I'm an mental & emotional wreck. My doctor don't think it's postpartum depression so WTF IS IT? I wanna fix this! I wanna be the girl I use to be! I'm tired of being lonely! I wanna be loved & liked! I'm 18 & feel like a bitter old woman. Idk what to do or who to go to. I don't even have ONE shoulder to cry on. I'm giving up.