
My mom won't stop smoking in our damn house and it's so annoying!!! I've asked her time and time again to stop smoking around me and she won't stop. I've even went as far as reading all the negative effects it has on me and the baby. She just doesn't care and sees it as me being dramatic. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes and her attitude when I say something about it. It's so frustrating!!! I've even cried. She's fighting with me about putting the baby's carseat in my car when her car smells like disgusting stale cigarettes. The best part about all of this is that she cries about not having money but her cigarettes cost almost ten dollars a pack and she's bought 4 in the last 2 days and gets upset with me when I don't want to give her the money to get more. I'm a single mom. I'm doing this all alone and I'm going to be out of work with no income. I don't know how she expects me to keep supporting this habit of hers. I'm so sick of this shit. I don't want my child to smell like a damn ash tray. I don't care if she smoked 40 cigarettes a day infront of her kids. That's not what I want around mine.