Bed rest at 16 weeks and 4 days

Hannah • Twin girls born 6/26/15
First off I am having twin girls! And I have been having what I believe is Braxton Hicks contractions and sometimes when I'm active (not even that active) they can happen every couple of minutes, basically my stomach gets really tight and hard and I feel a lot pressure and it's pretty uncomfortable. I went to my doctor today and at my practice I have to see all the doctors there since I am high risk and today the doctor I saw basically was laughing and saying it's not even possibly to have BHs before 20 weeks but I have seen people say otherwise so I'm not sure. Anyways she has taken me off work and I have to have ultrasounds every week until 26 weeks or so to make sure my cervix isn't thinning. Hopefully I can go back to work at some point but I am glad that she didn't just blow me off. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation?