Binge drinking???

So me and my so have been together over 5 years now and we're expecting our first child, currently I'm 31 weeks pregnant with our little girl. 
However, for as long as I have know him he is incapable of going out for a few drinks and I'm seriously starting to think he has a binge drinking problem. 
The worst is when he goes out tells me he'll be home by 11 say and then doesn't roll in until 7 or 8 in the morning, no text, no phone call to prewarn me he's not coming home. So in my pregnant state wake up in a panic in the middle of the night worrying something has happened to him, I ring him no answer causing me not to be able to sleep because I'm so worried. 
Same thing yesterday, drinks with work, initially said he wasn't staying long and would be home at 9pm but said he was having a good time and would like to stay a bit longer but didnt want to upset me, so me being nice I said okay no problem have fun just make sure you don't miss the last train home and don't roll in at 2 in the morning. 
What time does he come in? 7 in the morning, I can't take it anymore!! No apology, no explanation not even any need to explain anything like he's entitled to do this. This has completely destroyed my trust for him and even starting to have doubts of whether he's sleeping with other women and that's why he doesn't come in until morning and doesn't contact me. 
I think either he's sleeping with other women or he's got a binge drinking problem because nothing I say seems to make any difference, or is it me that's in the wrong?