Ex wife in the way

So my husband has a previous marriage, as do I. We both have a son from our previous marriages. However, his ex constantly calls to have him discipline from across the country. Fine. I do not ask that of my ex as I can handle my son without his help (he's crappy anyways). This ex though, let's call her Sue, gets child support whereas I do not. Fine. He can't contribute to OUR household bc of his obligations to his son. Fine. I can pay it all. But what REALLY gets me is that when Sue can't pay her bills, they get autodrafted from my husband's account. I haven't been ok with this but he has done nothing to stop it. He calls her and she puts the money back. She obviously has NO respect for me as his new wife and is constantly needing money, using him, holding their son's visitation as ransom and is in constant contact. He refuses to stand up to her so I have had to. I've told her to back up and know her place. How would you all feel if this was occurring in your lives? Could you deal with a needy, bratty Sue needing attention, money, and still being linked to accounts FIVE yrs after a divorce? What should I do?