Friendship in question...

I'm in the process of moving and asked my best friend to borrow her truck. I was out to dinner at Qdoba and the truck was hit and the person who did it took off. I didn't see it happen I just came out and saw the damage. I called my friend right away to let her know. 
She immediately responded by saying it wasn't going to go through her insurance. I called my insurance the next day and found out that in Colorado the vehicle is insured not the person so my insurance only covers my vehicles. I also found out that if it runs through her insurance that it would not raise her rates because it wasn't her fault. 
I called the police and made a report. They looked at security footage in the Parking lot but I was too far away to see who did it. 
I called her back to give her all the details and offer to pay the deductible. She is still refusing. I went and got two quotes today, one for $1900 the other for $2100. I ask if she would split the cost since this could have happened to anyone. She said no and that its my fault and if I don't pay up our friendship is over. 
I'm tempted to give the truck back not fixed and end the friendship but still give her $500 for the deductible. I think she is being unreasonable. What do you think? 
Please be kind. I'm looking for honest advice not bashing. I just need some perspective. 