My Birth Story


He is here yall!!

My water broke Thurs night at 11:15 @ 38 weeks....i got the hospital and hooked up, contractions were intense!! Went through an iv bag of.fluid before i could get the epi...FINALLY the epi but it was only really effecting my right side, so the anesthesiologist had to come back and help...although it didnt help much, i could still feel the contractions but just not at intense UNTILL i felt like i had to push then i could all!! 11.5 hrs of labor and 1.5 hrs of pushing and OMG pushing was horrible, it hurt SO bad. But finally he arrived :) 12:46pm 7.76lbs and 20inches long. He latched awesome 30 mins into skin to skin time. My handsome little good friday baby Erik Jr