Threatened miscarriage

I'm writing in hopes there's still hope. Wednesday early morning I started bleeding pretty heavy and passing clots. Got into my dr and had an ultrasound and blood work done. The ultrasound showed the sac but it was very near the cervix opening and the dr said it was in trouble. He wanted us back in two days which was this morning but said the chances of the pregnancy surviving were only 10-20%. We went back this morning so we could see if we lost it and had blood work done to verify with hcg levels. I was sure there wouldn't be anything to see because there was pools of blood all day Wednesday but there was a sac still. It's edges weren't as well formed anymore though so the Dr said we would wait and see what the blood test told us. He called and let us know we only raised our hcg levels by 20%, that the baby wasn't going to make it. We have another appt on Tuesday to check the size and proceed with a plan of possible surgery if needed for the rest of the miscarriage. I'm just torn because each day leaves something, although the smallest of small percent, that it could survive. On Wednesday we were told today would tell us by either nothing left to see or by decreasing hcg levels. Yet today there was something left and our hcg levels didn't decreasing but didn't increase like they should. Is all hope lost? :'(