Advice Please


I had my little guy March 28th. I was fine until last week. I have a 9 yr old boy and twin 6 yr old boys. I have not been able to stop crying every time it think about their age difference. I wish so much that they were closer in age. This baby was somewhat of a surprise. We had been trying since the twins were 4. I decided last year that I was ok with my 3 boys and really enjoyed them and was content not having anymore babies. Then all is a sudden boom I was pregnant. I cried when I found out because I didn't really want anymore. Now seeing how much older my other boys are makes me so sad because I worry that our now 2.5 week old is going to be left out all the time and never have anything in common with his brothers. And it makes my other boys seem so much older and I feel like I am now going to miss out with the older boys and that my time left with the older boys is going to go by so much faster and it terrifies me. I can not imagine not having them around me everyday. And watching my older 3 and their bond is so amazing. They all okay sports together and it makes me so happy and now I realize that they will never be on the same sports team with this one. This really sucks any advice?