Nervous to leave my daughter with my in-laws

I would really love to go on a date night with my husband, or just do something just the two of us but I'm so nervous to leave our daughter who is 6 weeks old with his parents. They have offered and would be more then happy to watch her for us. It's not her safety or anything I am worried about I know that would take excellent care of her but I'm worried they would be so excited to be watching her alone for the first time they would keep her up and get her way overstimulated. Also they don't know her hungry, tired cues like I do and don't know exactly how to get her to sleep/eat when she needs to. I have worked very hard getting a napping/sleeping schedule started and it hasn't been easy. I'm also worried anything out of the ordinary for her will mess up the schedule that she is finally starting to get used to. I just don't want to come home to an overtired, overstimulated, cranky nightmare that takes days to work back into a schedule. Her and I are just starting to sleep better at night, really don't want to mess it up. Should I just wait a bit longer to leave her in someone else's care, even for just a few hours?