Am I crazy?! What should I do?

For some reason, I always feel like I don't get enough attention from my boyfriend, but I get plenty! Every day after work he or myself asks "what's the plan for today?" I can either choose to stay home or hang out with him (we both live with our parents right now). When we hang out, we either go to his house and he plays a game and I watch Netflix or he plays a game and I watch him play OR we'll go to his friends house and end up at a car meet (which I LOVE doing). But the whole time we're together I'm always the one that grabs his hand to hold, leans over to snuggle, kisses his cheek, basically showing my feelings. He does nothing until I say something and then he'll do it for about 5 min. For example, on the weekends we stay at his house and every night that it's not raining or cold, there's a HUGE car meet that all of his friends go to and there's lots of nice cars. While we're walking, looking at cars, I tend to grab his hand because there's guys around and I guess I like to show myself off that I'm taken because he never does it. We walked up to a slammed G8 and he instantly let's go of my hand and walks over to it. You could say I'm a "car girl" so I knew exactly what he walked over to. Yes its fast and it's extremely lowered but he has the same thing sitting just on the other side of the parking lot but not lowered. I'm just mad he let go of my hand making me walk through a whole bunch of guys to get to him. I could walk away to go look at a line of Supras and Evos and he wouldn't notice I was gone until I came back and was talking about them and he'd ask me "when did you go look at them?" 
     So getting back onto the topic of him not showing me any attention, it's usually only when we're alone and when we're with his friends. If we're with his family on the other hand, he's always next to me, puts his arm around me, holds my hand, and maybe even give me a kiss when it's appropriate. But if we're alone, sitting in his "man cave" and he's playing a game, it'll take HOURS for him to lean over and give me a kiss. 
   Now to talk about sex. We recently when on vacation and lived together for a week. I cooked and cleaned and was the perfect "house wife" and spoiled him WAY too much. I even told him, " that's not going to happen when we move in together ". But almost every night and every morning, I'd do SOMETHING to turn him on. It was different every time. It was AMAZING sex and even a couple times, he started it which is rare. But on the ride home I was telling him that I start sex way too often and I'm not wet enough when it happens so I'd like him to start doing it, well... it's been a week since we got back from vacation aaaand we've had sex once because I started it. Maybe it's my fault, I've never told him no to sex so he doesn't try anymore, he knows I'm going to say yes and he knows I'm going to start it if he doesn't. 
     Am I crazy? Am I asking for too much? I want to be shown off, I want him to hold my hand, I want him to kiss me every chance he gets, AND I WANT HIM TO START OUR SEX.