Tiffany • William Dalas born September 18,2016.💙👶🏼 Teen Mom. 💕 YouTube: Dalas’ Mommy
My boyfriend/baby daddy won't let our son go to my nieces birthday party. Now my sister hates my damn guts because I can't go. This isn't the first time either. Numerous times this has happened. Ever since I've been with him I've missed out on tons of shit. Birthday parties, Christmas and Halloween parties, funerals, trips to go on with my family, graduations.... just everything. He won't leave. He will never leave. He tells me all the time if I take our son around my family he'll call 241 kids on me and get our son taken away from both of us. It really hurts. My son isn't going to have anyone at his birthday parties, his sleepovers, his graduations anything besides if he has friends when he's older. No family. My family didn't even come to the hospital and still hasn't met my son because of him. He doesn't want anyone to see him. He doesn't want anyone to love him. It's ridiculous. I just kinda go along with it because I hate arguing. I hate the drama with him. But it really upsets me that my sister doesn't even want to talk to me. Me and my sister had the closes bond togetheger before he came into my life. My life is controlled by this one person. I can't even kick him out because we live with my Dad and he doesn't even have anywhere to go. He doesn't have a car, family or friends. The nearest homeless shelter is 100 miles away. I have thought about everything. I just want him gone. Not for the fact because I don't get to go to birthday parties... because he treats me like dog shit every day. I can't even go get a job for my son and me because he thinks I'm gonna cheat on him. He won't get a job either. He keeps doing these side jobs to pay for the baby's needs and it just ain't working anymore. Sorry for such the long rant but as you see, I have no family to talk to about the situation..