What was this?

Okay so let's start off by saying that I am 25.. Married, and have 2 children-- a 4 year old daughter and an 11 month old boy. They are my world:)

I was sitting and watching a movie the other day and due to what was going on in the movie made me think... Was I raped? If not, what was it?

I was a stupid teenager who thought it was cool to go and spend the night places and get drunk. I frequently did this at my ex aunts house to hang out with my little cousin.. But when night came she always had friends over to drink (she was and is an alcoholic) and one night I got drunker than normal and passed out on her living-room floor.. I woke up to one of her male friends with his hands down my pants going to third base (fin***ing me) he was I'm guessing early 30s and I was 13 or 14 at the time and a virgin. Then he climbed on top of me to do what I can only imagine, but someone turned a light on in a different room and he jumped up and left.

Another time I'm pretty sure wasn't but was leading up to it and yes it involved alcohol.. I was 17 and the 2 guys I worked for brought me back to one of their places to house sit and they bought booze.. I figured whatever, I was going to be by myself.. I started drinking and they came back and I was pretty tipsy at that time.. They started drinking and couldn't wait to give me refills.. They both started to kiss on me and feel me up. I decided to start pouring my alcohol out and replace it with water and tell them I was sick and needed to go home.

I also haven't had a drop of alcohol in a few years if anyone was thinking that. So any advice? Aside stop drinking!