Remind me why it's nice to be single


My boyfriend and I broke up today after 5 months together. Honestly we've had more bad times than good ones. Lately we've fought a lot and always the same argument. He lost all interest in me and kept making excuses to not see me, not spend time with me, not kiss me, etc. Two things that are making this break up harder for me than past ones: 1) he's my first and 2) it is going to be impossible to avoid him because our work/social circles are exactly the same. I feel relieved that we won't be fighting anymore but sad because I really care about him and I already miss his kisses/touch. Also kind of mad that he "lost interest" I am an amazing, hot, interesting person how the hell you lose interest in that? Y'all. Can someone remind me why it is good to be single...tyvm.

ps- if you have a dog please share a picture of it to cheer me up

pps- thanks for reading, you rock