Update on level 2 ultrasound

Sam • Mama to Hunter Cleyson, Oliver Jameson & Finley June
For anyone who saw my post about having my level 2 ultrasound last night I wanted to let you know the outcome as of now. Along with the chloroid plexus cysts, club feet and concern of growth the tech also found the hands to be abnormal and there to be an issue with his heart. Unfortunately all signs point to Trisomy 18 and the doctor is quite positive that is what we are dealing with here. I always swore up and down that I wouldn't have an amniocentesis but I decided to get one today after hearing the news. I will get the results back tomorrow or Wednesday morning but in my heart I know what they will say. The heart is fixable but isn't something that would be fair to put him through with all the other health issues that he has on top of that. Please pray for us as we have to make these extremely difficult choices regarding our son. These are things I never imagined our family would have to go through. ❤️
I got the rapid results of my amniocentesis and they came back normal. There was no sign of chromosomal abnormalities. So now we wait for the long results to come back. This process is so tiring and I don't even know how to feel anymore. Please keep praying for our family!