I was woken up in the middle of the night with severe severe cramps and when I sat down on the toilet this came out followed by lots of blood? Could I have been pregnant and miscarried?



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Posted at
It's still not normal u need to get that checked out


Posted at
i had a miscarriage last year at 14 weeks and honestly this doesn't seem to be one. looks more like the lining of your uterus, can never be too sure though, i hope you find out X


Posted at
It's deffo ur urtine lining sometimes it doenst break down all the way before ur period and will come out in large pieces happens to me every 3-6 months no need to worry unless the heavy bleeding continues for longer than 3-5 days I'm sure everything is fine girl 😙😙


Posted at
Did you find out what happened? Hope you are ok


Posted at
You can try taking a pregnancy test... it would still show positive if it was a miscarriage.


Posted at
If you google uterus lining it looks like that 


Posted at
I'm sorry but it looks like you miscarried