I was the other woman and didn't know*updated*

**update** she has blocked me on Facebook without responding to me and he has blocked me as well so I dont know if he blocked me on her account or if she has blocked me but there's nothing else I can do at this point
 Hey so thanks for reading, I got lied to by this guy and we basically had a relationship long distance I was under the impression he worked weird hours because I trusted him well he said he didn't have snapchat etc and wouldn't download it even though I asked well he must have gotten a new phone because his snapchat linked up and I added him only to find out he'd been using a fake name etc so I found his Facebook to find out he's married so I added the wife on messenger and told her hey I have screenshots if you want like I don't know if you have an open relationship but if you don't he's not been doing right by you and I feel horrible because I lurked and they've been together for like 8 years but I feel like if he did it with me there's got to be more girls you know? Idk did I do the right thing?