Anyone else? 6 weeks pp.

This is my second child I have a 3 year old also, here lately I've been having crying spells I dont really know why. My husband works i stay home with our kids, whenever he leaves sometimes tears just roll down my face. I feel like he should spend more time with me or something i just feel alone all the time. We have been spending a few nights at his mothers. No one helps me with my kids. Not even my husband.. I do everything other then pay for what they need I just feel alone its like when my husbands home its like he isn't home its no different. Hes ethier playing a game on his phone looking up car parts talking to his mother anything other then spending time with me, like right now... He got off work about 7.30 came in went and heated up some left overs sat in the kitchen ate then he was on his phone the whole time until his mother got here they been in the living room for hours playing the old games on the wii he also has 3 little brothers 8 9 and 13 that come over often. I had to get up and come in the room with my son because they woke my daughter up yelling he brought me his food asked me if i wanted it i said yes but i can't eat it right now because i can't go in the living room because they are being so loud and my daughter is sleeping and my son is still awake watching tv and im not leaving her in the room with him so he storms out and shuts the door and hasn't been back i just always feel so alone and like he doesn't care,i wish he would pay more attention to me and i wish he would care to spend time with me like he does his mom and everyone else. I feel left out, but i dont want to interact with anyone ethier the only reason we are here is so he can get help on his old mustang so he can drive it home afterwards Tell me im not crazy or what i should do to stop feeling this way.. Sorry its so long just really upset and i always feel alone and i always seem to feel down and not really excited about nothing, i dont have anyone to talk to so this is why i am turning to my glow ladies..