Brianna Lynn 2/27/15

At around 12:20am I got up to use the restroom.  After, I still felt like I needed to go so I sat back down and without any control something gushed out.  It wasn't a lot and I wasn't sure so I got back into bed and googled and read about water breaking.  About 10 minutes later, I shifted a bit and more gushed out.  At that point I had no doubts and woke my husband.  We got some last minute things together, I showered and shaved after calling my doc.  Left for the hospital about an hour later and around then mild contractions started.  Once at the hospital, they checked vitals and whatnot till my doc came in to see me.  Checked and I was 7 cm dilated.  Got me into a room, took 3 tries to get a good IV setup, and I refused an epidural for hours till around 6 something when I just couldn't take it anymore.  Got it a short time later and it was an absolute miracle.  I was relaxed and able to rest for an hour or so.  I was given pitocin because my dilation wasn't progressing very quickly (prior to epidural).  Around 9 am, I was ready to start pushing.  Doc wanted baby out and gave me pushing time otherwise he was advising a c-section.  Nearly 3 hours later and her head could be seen but I was losing the ability to push and I was exhausted.  Doc asked if I wanted him to use forceps, a technique he was very good at so I said yes.  I didn't know it required cutting me but whatever would help get her out was good with me at that point.  At 11:27 am Brianna Lynn was born vaginally.  She whimpered a bit before crying.  At that point I was overjoyed to hear her and was quivering in joy (it was this cry quick breathing sort of thing). They rested her bloody little self on my abdomen while the doc started working on me.  Guess forceps aren't used much anymore so a resident was watching the process including all the stitches after.  Think it was my rectum that lacerated from pushing so hard at the end.  I heard it as a pop to which I heard my doc say oh shit, lol, today he told me it was his fault cause he shouldn't have had me push at that moment.  The cut he made had to be stitched up and something internally as well.  I felt the needle sort of and let them know so my nurse hit my epidural button and I felt nothing but a little pressure after that. My vision was a bit blurry from the intense pushing and exhaustion.  They cleaned her up a bit and put her on me for skin to skin.  They took her a little later to really clean her up and get all of her measurements.  Went to my room still exhausted but not able to sleep.  Epidural completely wore off and that's when the hemorrhoid pain kicked in.  Not the stitches or anything else.  I'm only taking Tylenol because Percocet can cause constipation and prob won't do much for my butt.  First pee was interesting. Next morning I had first bowl movement.  It's not so great but I've gotten through it so far.  I try to walk and move in bed but it's tough.  I'm hoping by the end of week one to be able to move without the intense hemorrhoid pain.  My baby girl is healthy, some difficulty in feeding though.  She'll latch then release, my nipples aren't perfect so between us learning and my sort of flat nips, it's a bit painful and she isn't eating every 3 or so hours.  She'll go way longer even when I try.  She won't wake up, lol and my nip becomes a pacifier. We're trying some stuff to help get them to pop out more.  She's pretty successful on my left breast but on and off with the right.  Will start pumping out of right if I can't get her to latch more on it.  We will be discharged tomorrow morning and it's a bit surreal knowing we'll all be home together in about 12 hours.  I hope our minpin loves her as much as we do.  So that's pretty much everything I can think of.  Welcome Brianna Lynn, 6 pounds 15 1/2 ounces and 19 inches.