
Okay so for the past three days I've had cramping in my stomach and also lower down in my pelvic region, dizziness a couple times, a couple bouts of light nausea (no vomiting)- and pains in my lower back/sides (kinda like ovulation pains, but I've been having them off and on for like 2 weeks). I also have been spending a lot of time in the restroom- and to avoid TMI we'll just say it hasn't been for #1 every time. My appetite has been off, but not being hungrier... I'm eating one meal a day mostly, but I'm barely able to finish before feeling like I'm going to be sick (like I over ate). It's very weird. I don't normally have any symptoms before AF other than cramping and spotting so all this other stuff is random. According to all my fertility tracking apps my AF days were 2/26, 2/28, and 3/2... But so far nothing. I'm not testing again though until 3/3. 
Just thought I'd share all of these other issues in case they later come in handy as a reference. lol 
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right? 