anybody else have carpal tunnel now?!

So I had NO IDEA that carpal tunnel syndrome was a common part of pregnancy for women! Anybody else dealing with this? Unfortunately, lucky me, I am experiencing this in BOTH hands! Smh... goes from tingling fingers to numb and worst of all... a burning sensation that goes all the way up half my arm! It feels like somebody shot acid in my veins I kid you not! I will sometimes have one finger only completely numb or random parts of my hands, not always the whole damn thing! But that usually happens during the day when I wake up from sleeping is the worst of all times. I'm trying to find a position to lay that will lessen the effects I'm going through.... my OB gave me a pamphlet with hand excercises to try and lessen the pain. Eh, can't say that worked too well! I really can't afford 30$+ for a wrist bandage for each hand- that's at least 60$! These things are expensive I couldn't believe the prices at all the pharmacies... any home remedy hacks or anything at all that can help me out with this hand situation?! I'm tires of the pain and randomly dropping & throwing objects my accident bc my hands give out.... HELP!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️