Baby not wanting to eat?

Clarissa • Mama
She'll eat about two ounces then start shaking her head and pushing the bottle away. She doesn't even really give feeding signs anymore (like she doesn't "say" she's hungry).
She does vomit A LOT due to severe reflux, even being on Zantac- that could be why??
She's also already on a non-cows-milk-protein formula.
I'm just not really sure what's going on.
Anyone else's baby acting like this?
She's 3months (+1 week to be specific).
She's still growing at her own speed and having wet diapers, I'm just concerned at her behavior. She's not even napping a lot as if she's having a growth spurt. I started keeping track of diaper changes and feedings like I used to in her first month to make sure she's getting enough each day, it just seems that something is up
Is it possibly normal?? Am I just having FTM worries??
Annnnd here she is being adorable (as usual) since you read this whole thing lol