Almost 3 weeks PP


Having a baby is so weird, cool but weird.

I personally love it too...especially breast feeding / expressing. (I do combi feeding with formula too)

My body is bouncing back into a UK size 6 (US size 4) slowly but surely I may be UK size 4 again....I'm not too worried if I don't.

I feel prettier, like a real woman as stupid as that sounds (You would think at 21 years old and married I would feel like a woman already haha)

Labour was traumatic, I went into shock after he was out 😥 I've had 3 miscarrages previous with my husband, I got an emergency epesiotimy and Ventous during labour as our child got stuck and risked brain damage. I thought he was dead as he didn't cry for a while. That feeling I got thinking our son was dead combined with 23 people running into the room, pinning me down and leaning on my tummy in what felt like a split second of the emergency bell....truly horrific.

The odd thing is. I would do it repeatedly for our child. Sounds mad but he was worth the long journey of loosing babies, TTC, a high risk pregnancy and a crap labour....I would totally re do it for him 💚

This post isn't a question, I just felt like I needed to share how I'm feeling.