footballer boyfriend 😞

My partner plays football for a living and I am 13+ weeks pregnant. My partner has an awards doo coming up next weekend for the end of season with the club in a big hotel, it's held for players which will be dressed in suits, fans, players family n friends and anyone who wants to purchase a ticket £40. Anyways I want to go, and my partner has said even though friends and family are able to go, as a team if the lads choose to make it no girlfriends night and just a lads night then that's what it will have to be I have to go with what the team want. So his football manager sends out a group message about details of their next game and at the bottom says "decide between you lot if partners are coming so I can sort their tickets or if you're making it a lads night" basically all the lads will go out clubbing after the awards doo is finished ect. And I just get angry and think.. NO it's your awars doo and I want to be there, the tickets are available. I'm his partner and if I had a doo at work with awards i would want him there, I also don't want to be in bed with our unborn child while he's clubbing, we have a christening early the next morning too and it's an hour drive (I don't drive) he will still be over the limit from the night before too. I just feel like random football fans can go and other family members but partners are not. It doesn't feel fair and I feel sick him out clubbing not knowing when he will come home early hours.
Plus part of his contribution to the house is the food bill and he's not done a food shop in like 4 weeks and I know he got paid 2 weeks ago, and I constantly going out and buying food because we are running out because he has not bbeen shopping in so long, and it annoys me that he will go out that night for the awards doo and spend money when he's not put food in the cubards in over a month!! 
Advice please ladies 😞