Unmedicated Birth Center Birth (1st Baby)



Just wanted to share my story to encourage those mama's wondering if they can survive an unmedicated natural birth.

Here's a little background on me, I'm 31 and live a pretty healthy lifestyle. This is my first baby.

My pain tolerance is average. I'm not one of those girls who's like oh tattoos don't hurt. I have 3 and onna 1-10 scale they were all about a 6/7 and they're all less than 3" big lol.

I chose natural because I'm contrarian in most things healthcare, government, media, etc.

I birthed at a birth center and I'm so happy I did.

Why? It puts you in the position where there is no alternative so you suck it up and ride it out. Plus a million other reasons.

Signs I saw leading up to birth:

Bloody show, mucus, contractions 2 days before.

Water broke and Active Labor was 15 hours long labored at home for 5. Arrived at BC 7cm.

Took 10 hrs to progress from 7-10.

Methods of pain management: Hypnobirthing, breathing, affirmations, Christian beliefs and my husband. Omg I can't stress how much his kisses, rubs, counting, telling me not to tense up, telling me how proud he is of me. Birth tub, yoga music and candles.

The tub was relaxing I literally fell asleep @ 8cm in the tub. However as soon as I stepped out of the tub my baby came. So I think the tub slows things down.

Tips. Eat tons of protein when you are due any day. I almost lost energy because I kept throwing up. Nuts & cheese got me through & honey. I drank like 6 1.5 liter sized waters bottles.

Extras: I hired a birth photographer...so glad I did. I also paid to have my placenta encapsulated. So far so good.

Did it hurt? yes. Did I die? No. Would I do it differently if I had another kid? No the benefits outweigh the pain.

My baby came out crying & wide eyed then was super calm. Exactly how I wanted her.

My princess is here and I feel good knowing I kept her blood as pure as could be. Millions of women do this everyday around the world you can (if physically possible ) too. Good luck!