breastfeeding... birth control... pregnancy tests??

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM
I'm 3 months pp, I have a 4 year old as well... I ebf...  and I'm not relying on that as bc... I didn't want to get the iud for personal reasons... 
anyways how do you ladies navigate this do you take pregnancy tests every couple of months just to be sure... 
hubby and I have only had sex like 3 times since babies been born and used protection...
The whole no period thing is amazing haha but sort of freaks me out as well and I'm not gonna lie I've been sick feeling and off feeling and a different sort of exhausted than normal think I may take a test to just ease my mind... keep some in the cabinet too..
What natural bc methods work for you ladies?