it's hard!

So this doesn't have to do with sex or anything like that but it's really frustrating. I've been having a lot of stomach issues and the doctors can't figure out what it is. So my bf, my mom and I think that maybe I've become lactose intolerant. I'm going to talk to my doctor but for now I'm trying to eat lactose free and holy hell its hard! Especially since I just started my period and my biggest cravings are chocolate and ice cream... needless to say today has been an extremely emotional day and it's only the second day of this new diet. I can't have my favorite foods, (cheese! No more cheese! 😭) and all of the substitutes for those foods are hella expensive! Healthier, but seriously one pint of ice cream made with coconut milk is nearly five dollars! (Where I live there's no food tax) And the flavors are limited. I know there are pills that allow you to eat some dairy but I don't want to start taking pills until I know for sure that I need to. I'm sorry this is just really upsetting rn