cycle day 40- no period and negative test

My husband and I have been TTC for 3 years. We have been to fertility clinic and found out he has a low count. We're in the process of finializing next steps (<a href="">IVF</a>) and surgery as my husband has a varicosevein causing the low count. So it would really be a Mericle if I were to ever see a positive before assistance. However, has anyone had this? I've been taking fertility blend and for the past 6 months my period cycle has been 27-29 days. Previously it was 30-34 and one ever it was 36.  I keep feeling hopeful thinking maybe my levels are just too low to detect but I also don't want to get my hopes up. No other symptoms aside from emotional, however that's just me and for a few weeks I've been nauseous all day...again I've chalked that up to stress since April has been a crazy month.