first breakdown

Sarai • 💕 2-21-19
Last night I sat on the floor of my bedroom writing in my journal, o was waiting for my husband. When he walks in and asked what I was doing and I responded he said I was being annoying. I stood up and burst into tears. I laid on the bed so mad at him and just cried so loud. He reached over and rubbed my back he said he was sorry for what he said didn't think I would cry over it. I told him it wasn't about what he said, I was just holding on so long, being so strong weeks after having been told I am no longer pregnant. It may not have been fully formed, & I may not have heard a heartbeat but it hurt just the same, that something was part of me, then it wasn't. For a while he just didn't get it, and last night he finally understood. I was just trying too hard to be normal and go back to my usual routine. Not having really grieved and healed from the week before. 
I was leading the kids choir rehearsal when I felt something like a sudden period. I just found out I was 4 weeks along & I thought discharge for sure, relax. I rushed to the bathroom anyway & when I wiped it was pink & brown. Told myself not to stress it. Later that day more bleeding, very light faint cramping almost not even there. That was Friday & I bled through into Tuesday. Enough to have changed my pad several times, but it was mostly brown with red blood clots here & there. Again, don't stress you're fine it's normal. Went for my blood work twice, back with some numbers then the following at 0. I never got to go to any appointment I was simply told over the phone " it just didn't go in the right direction, you're no longer pregnant, have a good weekend." I hung up, I was alone in my house & a rush of confusion just came over me, I started to cry. Wiped my tears as my husband was walking in, told him what happened and he hugged me. He said at least we know something is working right? We can still make this happen.. My husband is clearly terrible at knowing what to say & when to say it. Terrible at pep talks. He's a lot more understanding when he just stays quiet. After my breakdown, just crying and him rubbing my back, then & only then could I have really felt his real support because he just doesn't understand. I only told my best friend about it because we weren't telling anyone we were pregnant until our official appointment, which I'm glad we did. I still felt alone. But now that I've cried it out & left it in Gods hands I feel like I can breath again. We will try again & again, however long it takes & pray it through. I'm praying now asking God what lesson am I to take from this. I am still learning. Virtual hugs to all the ladies out there who have felt this loss, I can only say that you are not alone.