My whole birth plan went out the door but I'm still proud (LONG STORY)

Ok so here goes my birth story! My pregnancy wasn't the easiest, thank god for nothing complicated though. This is my first baby so mind you I don't know too much an what to expect, I did read an research a lot though, took an online birth class, got a doula, did some prenatal yoga, got a yoga ball made a wonderful birth plan. Coming closer to my due date I also found out that the baby was in the perfect position which was great!! My due date was 4/19, an week before that doctor says if he doesn't come by 4/24 I'll induce you an that freaked me out! So I did everything to get labor started, i actually was having contractions 2 weeks before he was born, it started getting uncomfortable and I kept going to the hospital, I was dilated to just a one for so long, i ended up going to the hospital on his due date,4/19 still at 1 an just in pain, my triage nurse was pretty stern an said you'll know when your in labor an basically said stay at home until you can't take it, that was my plan anyways since I wanted to go all natural! I went home did everything, labored and on 4/20 after so much pain my water broke at 2:40pm an then after we got to the hospital, my doula showed up an we got the ball rolling, since I was laboring so much before the time I got admitted I was in so much pain! Doula helped a lot though! I got to move around too with the cordless fetal monitoring, some time passed an I wasnt progressing, the doctor said you labored so much I root for you I understand you wanna go natural but your not progressing, you should just get the epidural, get pitocin going an see how much you progress, I agreed to epidural but not pitocin so all night we waited, the doula helped with positions to make the baby get into right position since he decided to move from the perfect position to so many positions, my doula tried helping so much too but baby was being stubborn oh an after the epidural his heartbeat dropped an I started shaking so much so they gave me a shot, an everything was ok, unfortunately things werent progressing, I labored so long, my water was broken too long an I was getting a fever. all night i was just miserable, the next morning I still wasn't progressing an it so doctor said to try pitocin so we did, that didn't work and so they had rush me to get an emergency c section, I was scared for my life, I was so exhausted by then, all these drugs going into me made me feel crazy, they started the c section an I was having mini panic attacks an I since I was so sleepy I couldn't even keep my eyes open, my husband was there right by my side an he was excited, finally he came out an I was so out of it and so dizzy I had to throw up, they moved me to the recovery room and I had to start breastfeeding right away! So much was happening to me, I'm still in the hospital an recovering. 
Just saying you might have a plan you want to go your way but sometimes life doesn't work the way you want it! Most everything on my birth plan didn't go the way I wanted it to! As long as you an baby are healthy that's all that matters! I pray for all you mamas out there to have a safe shorter labor cuz 48 hours is no fun!