Common ancestor. Not 'evolved from'. It's not that difficult a concept, but some people seem deliberately obtuse about it.
Do you think we were created by a god or do you think we evolved from apes or monkeys?

A.K.A ⚡️💪🏽 • Keto+HIIT= happy me🥓🍳🥗
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I think God and evolution go hand in hand honestly. I never did understand why there had to be such a divide. What is more complicated, beautiful, complex and awe inspiring than evolution and God?
Sabrina • Aug 11, 2017
Yes! God created science. It definitely goes hand in hand. We were created to evolve.
Zoe Jeanne • Jul 20, 2017
I believe in both the religious and science side of how man came to be
Rebecca • Jul 6, 2017
I also don't understand why there has to be a divide between God and evolution. Also, if anybody is still looking for a way to learn more about this and other hard topics, I'd suggest checking out Crash Course on YouTube.
Posted at
If you wanna talk about a topic make sure you actually know what you're talking about. 😊 Orherwise you just look ignorant. We did not evolve from monkeys or apes. We have a common ancestor with apes. 🙊
🦇𝓡 • Jul 18, 2017
And who exactly are you? This was like two months ago. Go somewhere else. 😂
S niuxinhui • Jul 18, 2017
ppl like u r annoying
🦇𝓡 • Apr 25, 2017
Em, look up the definition of ignorant. It literally is. 😂
Posted at
How people think we were created by a god is beyond me..
Felisha • Aug 28, 2017
so where did the prokaryotes come from? where did the water come from? where did the earth come from? Stephen Hawkings an athiest says Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing" This is like saying spam is the best food ever invented, because it tastes better than all other food. This is actually proving nothing. you shun people for believing a "theory" when you yourself believe theories.
S niuxinhui • Jul 18, 2017
yeah same... Its such a weird idea for me
Jordan • Jul 4, 2017
Their is a scientific explanation that can explain all of it. I'm not saying that the religion can coincide with science, but science has evidence of what those common ancestors came from. Religion does not
Posted at
I know God personally. I know he exists. He has worked in my life like nobody could imagine and it's not just coincidence. I believe we were created by him. I believe some species may evolved, animals only. And if we evolved from apes why are there still apes? Were they bad apes?! 😂
Felisha • Aug 28, 2017
This life we have, right now is only the very beginning. The best way I can explain your soul is like this, "your body is your car and the driver is the soul inside" when your car dies your body lives on forever. That can be eternal life through Jesus Christ, or eternal death. Which is a miserable and horrible way to spend eternity. There is no end. The hot and dark depths of the lake of fire are eternal if you enter there. There is no option to believe and reach out to God for the forgiveness we dont deserve but are given free of charge after our mortal body dies. We all deserve hell because we are all sinners. Nobody more bad than anyone else. Death is the penalty for that sin and Christ dying on the cross (which is recorded in history) was to save us. "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Sarah • Aug 28, 2017
That's not true either. Your body will die, but your spirit (the real you) is eternal. The Bible tells us death is only sleeping. And that we will be very aware of where we are going after death here. In fact our time on earth is a drop compared to the ocean of time we will all spend in eternity. With that in mind, where do you choose?
Jordan • Aug 13, 2017
I have so much more to say but your blind devotion and extreme Gnosticism concerns me and it comes across as arrogant and cult-like. Please stop trying to convert people who don't want to be converted. If there is a Christian hell and I end up there, it won't matter because I'm dead and got what I deserved. I wish you luck in your life. Goodbye
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I believe that we were created, but that our species, as well as every other species have evolved as well. I don't nessesarily believe the ape theory... just that we have evolved over time. Most animals do, and it has a lot to do with genes, mutations, climate and other environmental changes. But, we were at one time, created by God.

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