Major food aversion

Ashley • Married Mother of 1 baby girl, 5/17/13, baby #2 due 9/4/15!! ?
So I'm wondering if anyone is in the same boat or has any advice? I'm 13.5 weeks. I can barely eat, nothing sounds good, nothing taste good, and I honestly just don't want to eat. I force myself to eat anything and gag the whole time. Sweets sound awful, no snack or chips even sound good. Cooking dinners just make me not want to eat even more. I'm having a really hard time. Plus I am losing weight along with it, and beginning to worry. Not sure what else to do. 
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I am right there with u!!!! I am force feeling myself!! I don't want to eat anything. No meat. No chicken. No vegetables. Like if it was totally up to me i wouldn't eat at all. I've been eating cheese and bread cuz it is the blandest thing ICan eat but I totally hear u. I'm losing weight too. The nausea doesn't help with Food options. I'm 13 wks too. Don't know what to say, but I am in the same boat. I want to want food again. 


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
I'm hoping this doesn't last the whole pregnancy. I actually want to eat and gain the right amount of weight for the pregnancy. But losing weight when the baby is only getting big I don't think is good 😐


Posted at
I'm in the same boat at 10wks. Been forcing myself, mostly only able to stomach carbs and plain foods. Have been drinking green juices to get some nutrients. Dinner is a real stuggle. I used to love veggies but now I can barely look at them 😖


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
Yes it awful I can't even imagine eating veggies I saw a piece of broccoli the other day out of my husbands Chinese food and couldn't stop gagging.


Posted at
Try fruit! That works for me!


Tabitha • Mar 4, 2015
Awww...I'm sorry! Maybe you will eventually find what works for you.


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
All fruit taste funny to me almost like a bad bitter taste as if it was actually bad. 😕


Posted at
I've been eating peanut butter sandwiches with no jelly for weeks now for lunch because I couldn't even think about leftovers. I don't even want the food I cook. I have been losing weight also and that is ok to a point. I started out overweight... But it's hard to eat dinner. I'm ok for breakfast and a bland lunch. Dinner is rough


Lindsay • Mar 4, 2015
I'll cook and then only eat sides and a protein shake. I just can't eat meat right now


Chris • Mar 4, 2015
Us too! I feel horrible. It's been take out all the time. But just cannot cook.


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
Same here I feel so bad for not cooking. My husband has really been eating frozen food or take out. I know I need to start cooking for my girl and him. It's just so hard when nothing sounds good at all.


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I hated potatoes before and now it's one of the only things I want.


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I am in the same boat.  My husband actually said yesterday that he is really concerned because I haven't been eating my veggies!  It's been all carbs over here when I manage to eat.  And, what works this week may not next week in terms of making me not gag.  This week peanut butter on whole wheat English muffins have been okay.  But there would have been no way last week.  It is really odd!


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
Yea I haven't been eating any veggies or fruits. Take God for prenatal vitamins


Posted at
I feel bad my husband is not eating dinner because I don't feel like it. I can eat until 4pm but after that everything else makes me sick. 12 weeks and morning sickness has become worse. Food is my enemy. :( 


Ashley • Mar 3, 2015
Same here my husband I can tell is a bit upset I'm not cooking dinner. As I know he's hungry and worked all day I should be cooking him dinner but I can't bare it. Yet I feel I need to set that aside and set up as his wife. Ugh


Posted at
I feel the same. It sucks. At least we're not gaining weight. A plus?


Posted at
Omg me I hate a lot of stuff. Can't stand the smell of cooking. I haven't cooked since 6 weeks. My food adversions is horrible. I hate it. I liked Mac and cheese for awhile but the taste went away and I throw it up now. It's nasty so now I have to find something else I can eat which isn't much options. I for sure can not eat bread. Or literally drink anything. Not even water. This sucks horribly. I recently started drinking lemon ginger decaf tea so hopefully it can give me some relief. 


Posted at
Right there with you at 10 weeks. My days have been off and on but when they're off they're REALLY off. Any and all food sounds terrible especially with multiple trips to the bathroom to throw up. I bought some seasickness bands and those seem to help. Also, I highly recommend saltine crackers or graham crackers. I found I could handle those and it's at least something. Hope you feel better soon!