Feeling down.

Bree • Bree ❤️ 28. Peds Nurse 💉 my micropreemie came 12 weeks early 💙💙
So today I had a routine appt. Baby is healthy and amazing! So when measuring my fundal height I was measuring at 25 weeks. But my due date is still the same because we did not verify with an ultrasound. I have gained 21 pounds! I was so shocked when I saw this because I honestly feel
Like I have been eating less than before. When I look in the mirror I see a regular pregnant belly with minor gain in my legs. I'm so down on myself now and I know I can't technically "lose" any weight. My diet is not bad per say. She told me to eat more protein and cut my portions in half which sounds crazy because I have a whole mother human taking my nutrients. I'm very petite and now I'm worried about bouncing back after. Ugh so many emotions. Any advice? Thanks ladies ❤ (written while drinking a protein shake😥)