Recovering and bragging my ass off!

The cuts are fading and my leggings aren't so baggy anymore. I'm very proud of myself for sticking to beating this ED's ass once and for all after two miserable years! Just here to brag about how proud i am of recovering me😊 No scale checking neither. Im starting to feel prettier without makeup on and *almost* confident in a pair of jeans again. Ive seen my best friend two or three times this month which makes me feel like a human again. It helps me remember the life i have and brings me to reality seeing the ones i love. When i was majorly depressed i flaked on her for a week straight until she gave up for half a year. Also, I always stayed away from home. I cannot wait to go home in a week and visit my dad again!!❤️❤️ I just love my family so much and am glad to be back to reality. And this is just the beginning!😝 From 115 to borderline 80lbs. Now back up to 115 we go!!