Fucked up my hair..

So my best friend for 18+ years just graduated from cosmo and ive seen her work she does GOOD WORK. We agreed to have her do my hair at her house so i wouldn't have to pay salon price. Awesome right?! Well thing is my hair is fuckkkeed up. I was nervous to begin with because i neeever die my hair. Im the girl who literally always has natural hair and people always try to convince me to dye it and try new things... THIS IS WHY I DONT LOL. The cut is good im happy with that part but i wanted an ombre... I literally look like a wanna-be eminem with cheetah spots on the top of my head. 😂 She immediately apologized and said she is going to fix it first thing in the morning..we actually laughed our butts off cause literally neither one of us expected this.. so im giving her another chance but i swear if she cant fix it to where i feel confident in it then im going to someone else!! Ugh just had to vent that that! Thanks for reading. 😄