After being induced due to high blood pressure and being 3 days over due, I tried to have a natural labor for over 24 hours! We realized after breaking my water that this baby might be bigger than anticipated. After dilating to an 8 and not progressing, we noticed one side of my cervix is bigger than the other and baby was facing up. There was no way, with the size of him I could deliver naturally. Well, I go into the OR ready for my c-section and once they begin I realized I'm not completely numb and start having an anxiety attack, after loading me up with tons of pain meds, I could feel  nerves jumping 
 nd the pressure of the precedure and started having another. Dr finally gave me FREAKING KETAMINE. I have no memory of anything after that of meeting him for the first time or the very first picture. I woke up asking where my husband was and they said "in the nursery washing your baby" and I said "I had my baby?" lol I would do this whole thing 10 times over 💙 mommy and daddy love you very very much💙 Kade Hank 9 pound 11ounces! My big ole baby💙