when should I call my doctor?


Is swelling in my feet at 24 weeks enough concern to call my doctors office in the morning? The office is closed on the weekend. I have never used the emergency option and I don't want to abuse it. Should I call tomorrow, wait till Monday, or wait till my appt this Wednesday.
I cropped the crusty toes for y'all
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Posted at
It's normal, but there are things you can do...drink a gallon of fluids (not caffeinated) a day, wear compression socks, and elevate a couple of times a day but stay active...you can swing by Walmart and check your blood pressure for reassurance, but that's not near the level I'd be concerned about. I would try really hard to get the swelling down though so that it's not a miserable few months ahead of ya cuz it will only get worse...


Posted at
I went through this about a month ago because of all the activity of moving I was doing like someone said relax and elevate your feet, you'll be back to normal in no time


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Have you checked your blood pressure ? If not call the on call doctor to ask. Most of the time could be nothing but it could also be pre eclampsia 😬 better safe than sorry ! Good luck 🙏🏼


Posted at
I think you're safe to wait unless they keep getting worse or your bp is too high. I was told to elevate my feet above my heart and that helped out :)


Je • Apr 29, 2017
Thank you!!


Posted at
Just went thru this. Elevate your feet with at least 5 pillows or as high as the back of the couch. Take your BP. If it's higher than 140/90, call the doctor. 


Je • Apr 29, 2017
Thank you I'll swing by a pharmacy tomorrow and go in one of those bp machines they have there


Posted at
That's normal during pregnancy.


Je • Apr 29, 2017
Yes I'll just keep them elevated and drink tons of water for now unless something else comes up


Chloe • Apr 29, 2017
Yeah I'd just wait until your appointment, my doctor told me it's from retaining so much fluid during pregnancy.


Je • Apr 29, 2017
Haha yes I already went to Payless and wiped out their wide selection 😂 those might last me the a month before I'm limited to flip flops only. And my whole plan was to definitely mention it at my appt but I'm not usually one to call unless I'm truly alarmed