no heartbeat?

Okay so I went to the ER today because of bleeding and cramping. They did an ultrasound and said that I'm only 8 weeks (I think 9 weeks 4 days) and that they couldn't see the baby's heartbeat. But they wouldn't tell me I'm actually miscarrying so could it be something else? (I know I'm most likely losing the baby and it's killing me. But I want to hang on to the hope that I'm not as long as I can)
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Posted at
I'm sorry does sound like a mc :(I had some light bleeding at 6 weeks with my current pregnancy and went to er. They did an ultrasound but the difference is they found a heartbeat. I'm very sorry. Please when you find out let us know either way 💙


Posted at
Ultrasound techs do not tell you if you're misscarrying, that's actually for the dr to do😑hang in there, I've been through the exact same thing.


Posted at
You are bleeding and there's no heartbeat? I'm sorry Hun but that does sound like an MC. Did they not say that it was? They should have tested HCG levels.


Posted at
I'm so sorry... I have been in your shoes twice. Bleeding, cramps and no heartbeat is not a good sign. You should prepare yourself for a miscarriage and call your reg doc and let them know what is going on. 😢


Posted at
I went for a ultrasound at 6 weeks and I was literally days away from seeing baby's heart beat. They should have booked you in for another appointment to confirm anything. X


Posted at
Have they booked you in for another scan? You should have another in a week, to confirm either way. Your weeks mean you're just on the cusp of no heart beat/ heartbeat. I hope you find out soon either way. Waiting in limbo is the worst. I've been there.