Tongue-Tied Babies + BREASTFEEDING - what nobody ever warns you about!

Love my cutie, who was born tongue tied like her Daddy - who still has his. Their tongue ties were the same and mild, but it was interfering with her breastfeeding! She latched fine but because of her tongue couldn't eat properly and would chomp - within the first night my nipples were openly bleeding and scabbing! I breastfed with my first and knew this wasn't normal or right, right away! I brought it up a few times to nurses who told me it was normal to be sore. Then the lactation nurse came in, and because my daughter cried and caught her attention she noticed her tongue tie then asked if someone was - its hereditary! 
My daughter had her tongue clipped hours after. They numb it all, and she literally seemed to never notice, even after! Healed up within a day or two! She still chomps sometimes out of habit but don't hesitate to ask your nurse to have someone check for tongue tie if you have problems nursing! I had to pump until I healed enough to begin feeding again to avoid mastitis but thank God she cried when she did for the nurse or it could have been the end of breastfeeding due to infection!