Please comment. Thoughts am I pregnant again finally?


Y'all, I'm super anxious and I'm trying not to be, but yesterday my cycle was supposed to show and didn't. So, I took a HPT and it was negative, but nevertheless last year when I found out I was pregnant, my period was two weeks late before I realized it and decided to test. I'm trying to be open minded and praying hard we got our lil stocky bean(s). I have had a major shift in energy and food. I've recently had an increase in vomiting and nauseousness, but this could also be a result of being post-surgical. However, pray with and for me that this is our time. My cycle hasn't been late since last May. Every 33 days you show no matter what even, when I had surgery she showed so I hope she got delayed til next January!


I took a cheap one but read it like 4 mins later cause I was cooking and the line was faint. Tomorrow while Im out ill retest and see if it was accurate.